
Иран во втором десятилетии ХХI века: вызовы и перспективы Иран во втором десятилетии ХХI века: вызовы и перспективы
Иран во втором десятилетии ХХI века: вызовы и перспективы Иран во втором десятилетии ХХI века: вызовы и перспективы

Иран во втором десятилетии ХХI века: вызовы и перспективы

Ответственный редактор: Мамедова Нина Михайловна
Редактор: Каменева Марина Самуиловна, Федорова Ирина Евгеньевна

Москва, 2016, 364 стр.

Сборник посвящен анализу актуальных проблем развития Исламской Республики Иран в первые полтора десятилетия нынешнего века — сложного и противоречивого периода в истории страны. В статьях рассматриваются различные аспекты внутренней политики правящего режима: социально-экономической, культурной, национальной — и их влияние на динамику и формы двусторонних отношений Ирана с Россией, а также со странами Европы и Азии, участие в региональных проектах, связанных, в том числе, с проблемами безопасности и поставками энергетических ресурсов.
Книга адресована востоковедам, политологам, экспертам практических организаций, студентам, а также всем интересующимся процессами, происходящими на Ближнем и Среднем Востоке и проблематикой ИРИ.

English version

This collection of articles includes the research publications that are to a large extent based on the analytical materials prepared following the scientific conference held in the end of 2015 at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. These research materials cover a wide range of important and vital issues of the modern Iran development. The authors scrutinize the key events that affected the country’s development over the past decade and analyse their impact in the context of the global and regional comparative trends. The last fifteen years turned out to become rather painful and controversial for Iran’s evolution. A shift towards the democratization of the internal politics, the economic policy liberalization and the gradual expansion of the external relations with the international community gained a momentum during M. Khatami presidency. The significant decrease in the foreign political and economic activities further reinforced by the introduction of rigorous sanctions against Iran sharply undermined these positive trends. After H. Roukhani became the President, the related reshuffles in the government triggered a new turn in relations between Iran and the global community. The economy, culture, social and national issuesbecame the new focus areas of the updated domestic policy. These changes triggered a new shift in the format and the pace of development of the bilateral relations between Iran and Russia, with European and Asian countries, as well as affected Iran’s participation in regional security, energy resources supply and many other projects. The authors of this collection of articles are the scientists and experts from various Iranian and Russian scientific centers. The authors’ opinions may differ on a number of issues. The editors don’t seek to standardize the research materials. Instead, the main goal is to show the variety of different views regarding to what happens in Iran now and to provide founded opinions over the relevant issues. The articles are published in alphabetical order of the authors’ family names. The book includes Summary to each article, key words, and information about the authors. It is addressed to orientalists, political analysts, experts of practical organizations, students, as well as to all those who are interested in the processes taking place in the Middle East and Iranian issues.